Senator Jim Webb on Piracy off of the Somali Coast

Contact: Jessica Smith, 202-228-5185
Monday, April 13, 2009 .

Statement of Senator Webb Regarding Piracy Off the Somali Coast

Washington, DC—The following is a statement from Senator Jim Webb (D-VA):

“I strongly believe that forceful measures should be taken to reduce piracy and prevent the kind of incident we saw last week off the Somali coast. Piracy should not be tolerated. It is a violation of international law, and for centuries the use of force to stop it has been supported by virtually every nation.

“In addition to the defense of American-flagged vessels in international waters that has been provided by our Navy and Coast Guard throughout our history, such measures could justifiably include hot pursuit, attacking and destroying pirate infrastructure at their home bases, and an examination of the extent to which armed security personnel should be used aboard U.S. flag merchant ships in international waters.

“I intend to request of the chairmen and ranking members of the Senate Committees on Foreign Relations and Armed Services that hearings be held on this matter in the near future.”