Governor Kaine Announces Latino Liaison

April 13, 2009
Contact: Gordon Hickey
(804) 225-4260

~ Luisa Soaterna appointed ~

Governor Timothy M. Kaine today announced the appointment of Luisa Soaterna as the Governor’s Latino Liaison.

“Luisa brings a wealth of experience both inside and outside government to her new job,” Governor Kaine said. “She already has many connections in the community, through her work in the office of the Secretary of the Commonwealth, and also brings an understanding of our pre-K initiative to the job.”

Ms. Soaterna has served in the office of the Secretary of the Commonwealth since November 2006 where she has dealt primarily with constituent services focusing on Spanish speaking clientele. In her new role, she will work closely with Latino leaders, organizations, and the community as a whole to ensure effective communication and interaction with Virginia’s Latino population, and serve as the Governor’s representative to the Virginia Latino Advisory Board. Prior to joining the Governor’s staff, she was a bilingual math and science pre-K instructor at CentroNĂ­a in Washington D.C where she developed a curriculum targeting children between the ages of four and six years old.

Soaterna received a bachelor’s degree in physics and mathematics from Virginia State University in 2004.

She serves as a volunteer with the Association of Hispanic Americans of Richmond, where she teaches English for adults twice a week and with Virginia Commonwealth University Medical Center Language Services where she is an interpreter and surrogate family member for Hispanic patients and their families.

She is assistant chairwoman of Colaborando Juntos and a founding member of the League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) Richmond Chapter.