Governor Kaine Announces $20 Million Investment in James City County

April 21, 2009

Contact: Gordon Hickey
(804) 225-4260

Stephanie Johnston Christie Miller
Owens-Illinois, Inc. VEDP
(567) 336-7199 804-545-5805

~Public-private collaboration to improve strength, competitiveness of employer~

Governor Timothy M. Kaine today announced that Owens-Illinois, Inc. (O-I), a manufacturer of glass containers for food, beer, wine, spirits and nonalcoholic beverages, will invest $20 million to upgrade equipment at its manufacturing plant in James City County. The facility improvements, made possible through a public-private collaboration, will take place during the next 12 to 24 months and will enhance the energy efficiencies and technological capabilities of the plant. The company employs 180 people at the James City County plant.

“O-I is seizing the opportunity to make the James City County plant stronger and more competitive, which will help keep quality manufacturing jobs in James City County,” Governor Kaine said. “Together, we are working to keep jobs in the region and the Commonwealth during this challenging economic time. As the largest manufacturer of glass containers in the world, Virginia is proud to boast this corporate partner.”

Headquartered in Perrysburg, Ohio, and established in 1903, the company employs more than 23,000 people with 80 manufacturing facilities in 22 countries. With the leading position in Europe, North America, Asia Pacific and Latin America, O-I provides consumer preferred, 100 percent recyclable glass containers that enable superior taste, purity, visual appeal and value benefits for its customers’ products.

“We want to thank the Commonwealth of Virginia and James City County’s economic development team for their assistance,” said Charles Cochrane, manager of the James City County plant. “Their combined support and our positive experience in Virginia will help us keep our Toano plant one of O-I’s more cost-efficient facilities. These investments also will help us be more competitive.”

The Virginia Economic Development Partnership worked with James City County to secure the project for Virginia. The Virginia Department of Business Assistance will provide training assistance for O-I’s 180 member workforce through the Virginia Jobs Investment Program. The funds will be used to retrain existing employees on the new, upgraded equipment.

O-I’s James City County plant opened on February 29, 1980, in Hankins Industrial Park in the County’s Stonehouse District. Jim Kennedy, 2009 Board of Supervisors’ Chairman and representative of the Stonehouse District commented, “It is especially gratifying to see O-I make this corporate commitment as it celebrates its 30th year of operations here. This long term partnership between O-I and the County is further testimony to our continuing commitment to maintain and enhance our pro business climate.”