Virginia Resources Authority Workshop

April 23, 2009

The Virginia Resources Authority is pleased to announce and to invite you to attend the May 14th Community Investment Workshop in Danville, Virginia. The Workshop will be held at the Institute for Advance Learning and Research located at 150 Slayton Avenue, Danville, Virginia.

This regional Workshop and Luncheon is scheduled for 9:00 am to 3:00 pm.

The Workshop is expected to attract a large number of elected and appointed officials and local government professionals interested in finding ways to finance public projects. Along with VRA, state representatives from the Mines, Minerals, and Energy, General Services, Housing and Community Development, Conservation & Recreation, and others will be available to share information on state grant and loan programs to support local initiatives. Representatives will also be present from USDA Rural Development to provide information on programs available for local public projects. Discussion topics are: Energy Conservation, Public Private Partnerships, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (federal stimulus), and Other Project Funding Resources.

The workshop is free to all local, elected, and appointed officials and free to local government practitioners. Registration cost for non government participants is $185.00. A luncheon is being provided for all participants (at no cost). To register by phone, please call VRA at (804) 644-3100, or you may register online at Registrants may also fax a completed registration form to (804) 644-3109.