Prince William County Supervisor Convenes Transportation Summit

April 23, 2009

Contact: Frank J. Principi
Woodbridge District Supervisor
Prince William County

Prince William County Supervisor Frank J. Principi has called for a transportation summit to be held on May 6, 2009. This is in conjunction with a three day Route Proving Exercise that is part of a VDOT Feasibility Study for a commuter ferry service.

According to Principi, "As conjestion and development continue to increase throughout the region it is necessary for us to consider all available transportation options for the area. Woodbridge has the opportunity to develop multimodal transit centers that offer residents a variety of transit options, promote tourism, and stimulate the local economy..."

To register for the event, or for more information email or call (703) 792-4646. The day long event includes a ferry trip to Quantico that leaves from the meeting site at 4:30 pm.