Green Programs in April at the Virginia State Capitol Complex

April 7, 2009

Contact: Susan S. Pollard, APR
Director of Communications

~ Four Environmental Fairs to be Held for State Employees ~

Starting April 9, the Capitol Complex will be host to four environmental fairs called Green Thursdays. Geared to state employees, Green Thursdays will provide information on a wide range of environmentally friendly topics. Green Thursdays are scheduled for April 9, 16, 23, and 30 from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. in the Patrick Henry Building located at 1111 East Broad Street.

“Going ‘green’ starts right here at home at the Capitol Complex” said Governor Kaine. “These fairs are about resource stewardship not only at work, but also at home. It is an opportunity for state employees to find out more about the many environmental assistance programs available and the actions they can take at home that will help conserve energy and preserve the environment. This is another component of the green initiatives that we have already launched.”

Sponsored by the Department of General Services, Green Thursdays is part of the agency’s “Project Green” environmental stewardship initiative for Capitol Square that began in the spring of 2008. Green Thursdays will include an environmental exhibit fair and a fifteen minute presentation at noon. State employees are encouraged to visit the exhibit booths anytime during the fair to learn about such subjects as energy conservation, alternative energy sources, recycling, pesticide management, composting and carpooling.

The following are the fifteen minute presentations occurring at noon on Green Thursdays:

April 9, 2009

Topic: Capitol Square Waste Reduction & Recycling

Speaker: Georgiana Ball, Department of General Services

April 16, 2009

Topic: Energy Management in Capitol Square

Speaker: Charlie Barksdale, Department of Mines, Minerals, & Energy

April 23, 2009

Topic: Environmental Stewardship in Capitol Square

Speaker: Bert Jones, Department of General Services

April 30, 2009

Topic: What’s Your Ecological Footprint?

Speaker: David Ruble, Environmental Educator, Department of Environmental Quality

Green Thursdays is being made possible by participation from other agencies, local governments and organizations. The following are hosting exhibit booths: Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, Department of Health, Department of Environmental Quality, Department of Conservation & Recreation, Department of Game & Inland Fisheries, Department of Forestry, Chesterfield County, Henrico County, City of Richmond, James Madison University, Clean Cities, and the Science Museum of Virginia.

The various exhibits include information on carpooling and mass transit support; van pool commuting; pesticide use and management; Virginia water quality issues including information about tap water and ways to be more environmentally friendly; composting; riparian buffer zones; storm water management; Chesapeake Bay; solar and wind energy; litter prevention and beautification; alternative fuels and vehicles; and urban forestry.

For more information about Green Thursdays go to