Governor Kaine Appoints Circuit Court Judge

April 7, 2009
Contact: Gordon Hickey
(804) 225-4260

~ Kenneth R. Melvin appointed to Circuit Court ~

Governor Timothy M. Kaine today announced the appointment of Kenneth R. Melvin to the Portsmouth Circuit Court. Melvin recently announced his retirement from the Virginia House of Delegates.
“With this appointment, Ken will have another opportunity to build upon his record of dedicated service to the Commonwealth,” Governor Kaine said. “Ken has served with great distinction in the House of Delegates where he has been particularly valuable as a member of the Courts of Justice Committee. I have known and admired Ken for the keen analytical abilities and reasoned judgment he brought to legislative debates. I look forward to his continued service.”
Del. Melvin was first elected to the House of Delegates for the 80th District in 1985. In addition to serving on the Courts of Justice Committee, he also is a member of the Justice, Finance and Commerce and Labor committees. Del. Melvin also is a member of the Joint Commission of Health Care and the Virginia State Crime Commission.
Del. Melvin is a former commissioner of the Portsmouth Redevelopment and Housing Authority, a former board member of the Tidewater Legal Aid Society and a former board member of the Virginia Poverty Law Center.
He received a bachelor’s degree from Colby College in 1974 and a law degree from Georgetown University Law Center in 1977. After college he worked as a trial lawyer with the US Department of Justice and is currently in private practice specializing in criminal law and personal injury litigation.