Virginia Institute of Government Seminars

Do you lose your readers after the first sentence? Learn how to assess your audience and improve your writing skills.

Please join us at our next seminar:

Business Writing Basics (half day seminar)
April 8, 2009

Cost: $75.00 (includes materials)
Time: 9:00 am–12:00 pm
Place: University of Virginia Richmond Center, located off I-64 and Parham Road. Parking is free.
Discount: Send three; The fourth is free. For every three registrants from the same organization, a fourth person can attend this class at no cost (All registrations must be submitted at the same time).

For additional information visit our Wednesday Series training webpage at

Spring 2009 Wednesday Series
Business Writing Basics, April 8
Teamwork Skills & Group Dynamics, May 13
Succeeding as a First Time Supervisor, June 10

For more information on these seminars, see the attached brochure or feel free to contact me at or visit .

For more information contact: Jessica M. Smith
Virginia Institute of Government
University of Virginia
700 East Franklin Street, Suite 700
Richmond, VA 23219-2318
(804) 371-0202