Governor Kaine Appoints Delegate Frank Hall to ABC Commission

March 27, 2009

Contact: Gordon Hickey
(804) 225-4260

~ Delegate Frank Hall to be named to key state regulatory board ~

Governor Timothy M. Kaine today announced his intention to appoint Virginia Delegate Franklin P. Hall to the Virginia Alcoholic Beverage Control Commission, effective April 15. The intended appointment comes on the heels of Del. Hall’s announcement he will be retiring from the Virginia House of Delegates after more than 30 years of service.

“Frank Hall has been a friend and colleague for many years, and has faithfully served the people of Virginia for several decades," said Governor Kaine. “He brings a wealth of experience and talent to his new job, having represented clients before the ABC Commission during more than 40 years as an attorney.

Del. Hall has represented the 69th District in the House of Delegates since his first election in 1975. He was Democratic Leader from 2002 – 2008 and is senior member of the Rules, Joint House and Senate Rules and Counties, Cities and Towns Committees. He also served for many years on the House Appropriations and Finance Committees.

He is currently a partner in Hall & Hall PLC and is an experienced trial lawyer. In addition to his work before the ABC Commission, he has experience in administrative practice before the State Corporation Commission and many other agencies.

Del. Hall has a bachelor’s Degree from Lynchburg College, an MBA from American University, and a law degree from American University. He was admitted to the Virginia State Bar in 1967.