Delegate Frank Hall to Retire

Contact: Keith Rogers Jr.: 804-897-5900
March 27, 2009 e-mail:

~ Del. Frank Hall to retire from House of Delegates ~

Virginia Delegate Franklin P. Hall announced today his intention to retire as a member of the Virginia House of Delegates, representing the 69th district, effective April 14th, 2009
“As I prepare to leave the General Assembly – after 34 sessions – I would be remiss if I did not take this opportunity to thank the people of this community for the confidence they have placed in me. Serving in the House of Delegates has been a privilege, a pleasure, and a great honor.”
“By working with constituents, consumers, advocates, and each other, we have been able to foster a public policy that promoted programs designed to better serve the public interest.”
“Working together, we have been able to enhance the Commonwealth’s reputation as well-governed, compassionate, and business friendly. For this opportunity I am immensely grateful to the people of the 69th district.”