Swine Flu Cases in Virginia

April 30, 2009
For More Information Contact
Phil Giaramita, (804) 864-7008 or (804) 652-5997


The Virginia State Health Commissioner Karen Remley, M.D., MBA, said today that the state has received confirmation of its first two H1N1 flu cases, also called swine flu.

The patients are an adult male from eastern Virginia and an adult female from central Virginia. Each had traveled to Mexico, both had mild illnesses and are recovering well, and neither required hospitalization. Neither are students.

Given the size of the state’s population, seasonal travel patterns and the ease with which the flu virus is spread, Dr. Remley said that it is likely there will be additional cases in the Commonwealth.

“Our local health districts are working in close collaboration with their community partners in monitoring developments and providing guidance,” Dr. Remley said. “We remain in contact with clinicians, hospitals, and pharmacists to furnish them with up-to-the-minute care and treatment guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.”

The current H1N1 influenza outbreak is caused by an influenza A virus not previously detected in humans or animals. Symptoms are similar to those of seasonal flu and typically include fever, cough and sore throat. Additional symptoms may include headache, chills and fatigue. Persons with H1N1 flu are contagious for up to seven days after the onset of illness and possibly longer if they are still symptomatic.

Dr. Remley advised anyone with these symptoms to protect themselves, their families and their neighbors by:
staying home from work or school and limiting their contact with others to keep from infecting them
calling their health care providers or local health department before seeking care so that the necessary infection control measures can be put in place
covering their nose and mouth with a tissue when they cough or sneeze and throwing the tissue in the trash after use
washing their hands often with soap and water, especially after they cough or sneeze. Alcohol-based hand cleaners also are effective.
limiting close contact with sick people
preventing the spread of germs by not touching eyes, nose or mouth

“We have established an information line at (877) ASK-VDH3, or (877) 275-8343, for anyone with concerns or questions about H1N1 flu,” said Dr. Remley. The hotline, which will be open May 1 from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., assisted 750 callers today.

For further information consult the CDC’s Web site at www.cdc.gov/swineflu and the VDH Web site at www.vdh.virginia.gov.