Louisa County Offers Career Transitioning Workshops

Willie L. Harper Dale G. Mullen
Chairman April 14, 2009 County Administrator

Amanda L. Reidelbach
Public Information Officer
County of Louisa

Louisa County Parks and Recreation has partnered with LWR & Associates, to provide free career transition workshops for people who have been affected by the current economic situation.

“Louisa County is determined to weather the present financial crisis,” Chairman Willie Harper said. “The Board is committed to developing a vibrant business community with a strong, competitive workforce.”

Jane Shelhorse, Parks and Recreation Director said, “Lynne Runnet, a Career Management Consultant from LWR & Associates, has graciously loaned her time and expertise to the County. The knowledge gained by attending a workshop will afford our citizens a distinct advantage in today’s changing job market.”

Robin Cutrufo, Louisa Employment Center VEC Workforce Service Representative stated, “The workshops offered by Parks and Recreation sound great. The Louisa Employment Center is all about getting people back to work. We assist job seekers in their search as well as help them apply for positions and learn effective ways to present themselves to employers.”

For more information and to pre-register for the Career Transition Workshops contact Louisa Parks and Recreation (540) 967-4420.


Career Transition Workshops
Session 1: Evaluate Your Skills; Consider Your Options
If you have recently lost your job or you want to make a career change, this is a good opportunity to take inventory of your job skills and evaluate your options. In this session, you will learn coping skills for dealing with transition. You will learn methods and tools available to help you evaluate your job skills and determine your goals. In addition, you will have the opportunity to network with other job seekers and exchange ideas.
Wednesday April 15, 2009 and Wednesday June 10, 2009 (7:00-8:30 p.m. at Betty Queen Intergenerational Center)

Session 2: Develop Your Marketing Materials
Need help dusting off your resume? Getting no response to the resumes you submit? In this session, learn how to write a resume that sets you apart from the rest. Learn how to create your value proposition in the cover letter and sell your solution.
Wednesday April 22, 2009 and Wednesday June 17, 2009 (7:00-8:30 p.m. at Betty Queen Intergenerational Center)

Session 3: Create Your Action Plan
Did you know most job vacancies are never advertised in the paper? In this session, learn about available resources for identifying job vacancies. Learn how to set your career search goals and avoid pitfalls. Learn how to effectively network for jobs. Learn the “ins and outs” of the job application process, i.e. on-line applications, pre-employment assessments, drug screening, and background investigations.
Wednesday April 29, 2009 and Wednesday June 24, 2009 (7:00-8:30 p.m. at Betty Queen Intergenerational Center)

Session 4: Sell Yourself
Each time you make contact with the hiring company, it is an opportunity to sell yourself. In this session, learn how to effectively prepare for telephone screens, job interviews, and career fairs. Learn strategies for negotiating the best job offer.
Wednesday May 6, 2009 and Wednesday July 1, 2009 (7:00-8:30 p.m. at Betty Queen Intergenerational Center)

For more information and to pre-register for the Career Transition Workshops contact Louisa Parks and Recreation (540) 967-4420.