Call for Nominees for Amazing Virginians

April 15, 2009

Contact: Tameka B. Hobbs
Program & Education Coordinator
The Library of Virginia
(804) 371-2126

Do you know of a woman or African American who changed the way Virginians think? Do you have a Virginia hometown heroine? Would you like to encourage students to learn more about positive role models from Virginia’s past and present? Tell us about Virginia’s amazing people!

This year the Library of Virginia brought you the 2009 Virginia Women in History poster for Women’s History Month and the African American Trailblazers in Virginia History for African American History Month. We used the occasion to honor eight women and eight African Americans who had made significant contributions to Virginia history and culture. Now we want to partner with your class and let your students nominate an outstanding Virginia woman and African American. The class that submits a successful nomination for the 2010 Virginia Women in History poster or African American Trailblazer poster could receive an award. If your nominee is chosen, the nominating teacher will be eligible to win $250 toward school supplies, along with a complimentary three-volume set of the Dictionary of Virginia Biography (a $120 value) for the school library. The teacher will also be recognized at the 2010 event. This is your chance to let your students be historians and participate in the commemoration of worthy accomplishments. Let your class be a part of history in the making.

To enter, complete and submit the nomination form found at or If your class creates posters, presentations, or any other type of project, we would love to see the results as well. You can include originals or photographs of your students’ work. We enjoy seeing history in action. The deadline for entries is June 30, 2009.

Where do you start? Think about women and African Americans who have made a major difference in your community or the state at large. Look for women and African Americans who have—or who should have—made it into the history books. Please note that past honorees are ineligible for repeated recognition, so double-check the list below before getting started. If you would like more ideas, try the list of women and African Americans included in the Dictionary of Virginia Biography, available at: .

If you have questions about the nomination process for either program, please contact Tameka B. Hobbs at 804.371.2126 or