VPAP on Local Elections, Downloadable Lists of Candidates, Etc.

Contact: David M. Poole

March 30, 2009

The Virginia Public Access Project (VPAP) will follow the financial trail in Alexandria municipal elections as city residents go to the polls May 12 to elect their mayor and members of city council. There are ten candidates running for council, and Mayor Bill Euille is unopposed. The candidates file a preelection finance report on April 27th. Alexandria is the 25th locality that in which VPAP is tracking campaign contributions to local elections.

Do you think the recession is impacting political contributions? Find out on April 15 when candidates for Governor, Lt. Governor, Attorney General, and House of Delegates file their first quarter campaign finance reports. Politicl Action Committees (PACs) must also file first quarter reports by the same deadline. VPAP will provide you with sortable copies of the reports by 6 pm on Wednesday, April 15, and should have the information integrated into its site by Sunday, April 19.

Here are two new tools to help you track the ever changing lineup of candidates for the House of Delegates. VPAP is using Twitter to notify people of new House candidates. The new candidates posted on VPAP.org either have filed paperwork with the State Board of Elections, or announced their intent to run. VPAP does not speculate.

If you ever wished for a handy list that is complete with mailing information of House of Delegates candidates, look to VPAP for the answer. It is now possible to download a list onto your computer where you can sort and filter any way you see fit.

For more excellent election information that is found with no other source, go to www.vpap.org.