Updates to Stimulus.Virginia.Gov

March 31, 2009

Contact: Gordon Hickey
Phone: (804) 225-4260
Cell Phone: (804) 291-8977
Internet: www.governor.virginia.gov

~ Information on competitive grants from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act now available; users may now sign up for email alerts ~

Governor Timothy M. Kaine today announced the addition of competitive grant resources to Stimulus.Virginia.Gov. Federal agencies are now accepting applications for a wide range of project proposals for competitive grants made available through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA). Examples include electrified transportation through the Department of Energy, autism research through the Department of Health and Human Services, and neighborhood stabilization through the Department of Housing and Urban Development. Additionally, as part of Stimulus.Virginia.Gov’s transition to a disclosure and transparency website, users may now sign up for email updates related to Virginia’s economic recovery efforts and implementation of the ARRA.

“Virginia has received substantial resources to assist in its recovery efforts, but there is much more available to qualifying projects in the Commonwealth,” Governor Kaine said. “The competitive grants now available can advance worthy projects that will bring in even more significant aid aimed at helping Virginians with the economic recovery.”

Virginia will receive about $4.8 billion through the ARRA, but only a limited amount of that money will be available for projects chosen by the state. However, additional federal stimulus funding is available through the ARRA competitive grant process. Entities that submitted proposals to the original Stimulus.Virginia.Gov website in February are encouraged to stay current on the ARRA federal grants opportunities and apply for any appropriate grants as they become available.

Stimulus.Virginia.Gov will now feature an “ARRA Competitive Grants Alert” that is compiled by the Virginia Liaison Office to reflect the most current grant programs available through the ARRA. The document lists competitive grants—also known as discretionary grants—for which a federal agency has the discretionary power to:

· Select the recipient from among all eligible recipients;
· Decide to make or not make an award based on the programmatic, technical, or scientific content of an application; and
· Decide the amount of funding to be awarded.

It is highly recommended that individuals or groups interested in researching or applying for a competitive grant register with the federal government as soon as possible to avoid delays in processing applications. More information on the federal grant application process is available through www.grants.gov.

Virginians also have a new method to stay up to date on Virginia’s recovery efforts. Interested citizens and organizations can sign up for email alerts relating to newly announced ARRA funding or policies. Those signed up will receive an email alert as soon as announcements are made with no delay or editing.