Governor Kaine Appoints a New Counselor

Contact: Gordon Hickey
(804) 225-4260

March 10, 2009

~ Larry Roberts to take position with DNC ~

Governor Timothy M. Kaine announced the appointment of Mark E. Rubin as counselor to the Governor effective March 10, 2009. Rubin has served as senior advisor and deputy counselor to the Governor since Governor Kaine took office in 2005. He will replace Larry Roberts who is resigning to take a position as senior advisor to the chair of the Democratic National Committee.

“Mark Rubin is a good friend, a confidant, and an outstanding public servant,” Governor Kaine said. “As a member of my leadership team from the start of my administration, his advice and counsel have been invaluable, and I am confident he will be effective in his new role as well.”

In his new position, Rubin will take over as chief legal representative of Governor Kaine and will serve as a member of the Governor’s Cabinet. Prior to joining the Kaine Administration, Rubin was a mediator and arbitrator with The McCammon Group Ltd. from 2003-2005 and was in private law practice, ultimately as a partner with Shuford, Rubin & Gibney, P.C., from 1978-2003. Rubin received his law degree from the University of Virginia School of Law in 1976 and graduated Phi Beta Kappa from the University of North Carolina in 1973.

Most recently Rubin worked closely with members of the General Assembly to secure passage of legislation banning smoking in Virginia restaurants and bars. The appointment of Rubin to replace Roberts ensures a smooth transition of responsibilities between two senior members of the Governor’s leadership team.

“Larry Roberts deserves real praise for his service to the Commonwealth, as he has consistently provided me with wise counsel across a range of issues while focusing on how state government can achieve meaningful results in people’s lives,” said Governor Kaine. “Over the years, Larry has quietly tackled some very challenging issues—most notably the Commonwealth’s response to the tragedy at Virginia Tech—and I am pleased that he will be able to continue his record of success and thoughtful counsel at the DNC."