Dulles Rail Gets Full Funding with Grant Agreement

Contact:Gordon Hickey
(804) 225-4260

March 11, 2009

~ On Signing of Dulles Rail Full Funding Grant Agreement ~

Governor Timothy M. Kaine issued the following statement March 10 on the signing of the Dulles Corridor Metrorail Project Full Funding Grant Agreement between the US Department of Transportation and the Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority:

“One of my top transportation priorities has been to see Dulles Rail become a reality. The signing of the $900 million Full Funding Grant Agreement for Phase 1 of the project is an accomplishment that has taken more than ten years to achieve and I am proud to have this honor.
“I want to extend my sincere appreciation to all those involved in making this project a reality – Virginia’s Congressional Delegation, the US Department of Transportation, the Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority, Fairfax County, Loudoun County, Dulles Transit Partners, and the transportation staff of the Commonwealth – all of whom have demonstrated commitment and support to this long overdue transportation choice in the Dulles Corridor.

“This project has been under development for more than ten years and the leadership of Representative Tom Davis and Senator John Warner who have now retired from Congress was a key element of our success. The signing of this agreement shows how leadership and willingness to work together can serve as a model for future complex projects and how federal, state, local, and private partners can work together to address the needs of our citizens.

“I look forward to construction beginning in the coming weeks and making a 40 year dream a reality.”

More information on the Dulles Corridor Metrorail Project, is available at www.dullesmetro.com