Virginia Scientist Wins National Award

February 17, 2009
Contact: Susan S. Pollard, APR
Director of Communications - DGS

~ Scientist at State Lab will be Honored for his Work as a Clinical Microbiologist ~

A Mechanicsville, Virginia scientist, Arthur P. Guruswamy, with the Commonwealth’s Department of General Services Division of Consolidated Laboratory Services (DCLS) has won the Scherago-Rubin Award.

Guruswamy is being presented with this national award for his work as an outstanding, bench level clinical microbiologist. The award recognizes excellence among nondoctoral bench level clinical microbiologists involved primarily in routine diagnostic work versus research. The award will be presented by the American Society for Microbiology (ASM) at its meeting to be held in Philadelphia in May.

Guruswamy currently works in the tuberculosis testing laboratory in the Division of Consolidated Laboratory Services. The tuberculosis laboratory receives more then 8,000 specimens per year and Guruswamy provides expertise in the timely identification and reporting of tuberculosis infections to the state TB Control Program. Guruswamy’s efforts, as part of the DCLS team, allow for the treatment and prevention of tuberculosis throughout the Commonwealth.

“I feel very humbled to think that recognized leaders in the field of microbiology have nominated me for such a prestigious award. I hope and pray I prove worthy of the honor.” said Arthur P. Guruswamy.

Guruswamy earned his Bachelor of Science degree in Biology from Evangel College in Springfield, Missouri and has worked at DCLS for four years. He was previously employed at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota. In addition to his laboratory work at DCLS, Guruswamy actively contributes to the community through mentoring of high school students, fundraising to help equip an ICU Children’s Hospital in Sri Lanka, and training of microbiologists in third world countries.

“Arthur always has a smile for people and an infectious enthusiasm for his volunteer activities,” said Dr. James L. Pearson, Director of DCLS.

As the first consolidated laboratory in the nation, DCLS is a division of the Department of General Services and performs laboratory testing services for agencies of the Commonwealth of Virginia, local government, federal agencies and other states. DCLS performs more than 6 million tests annually using over 650 different testing methods.

ASM is the world’s oldest and largest life science organization and has more than 43,000 members worldwide. ASM’s mission is to advance the microbiological sciences and promote the use of scientific knowledge for improved health and economic and environmental well-being. The award was established by the late Sally Jo Rubin, an active member of ASM's Clinical Microbiology Division, in honor of her grandfather, Professor Morris Scherago.