Virginia is Named National Leader in Results Based Budgeting

Contact: Gordon Hickey
(804) 225-4260

~ Study by Pew Center on the States highlights Virginia’s data driven approach to budgeting, management as valuable strategy in difficult financial times ~

Governor Timothy M. Kaine called attention today to a new report by the Pew Center on the States that commends the Commonwealth’s data based and results oriented approach to budgeting and management as an effective decision making strategy for addressing current fiscal challenges. Virginia was among four states—along with Utah, Maryland, and Indiana to be highlighted in the report by the Pew Center’s Government Performance Project.

“This is yet another affirmation of Virginia’s budgeting and management strategies, and another honor for our widely praised Virginia Performs initiative,” said Governor Kaine. “In today’s uncertain fiscal climate, our data-based approach to budgeting allows us to effectively set priorities and make any necessary budget reductions targeted ones, ensuring that every dollar of state money is effectively delivering the results our citizens expect.”

The report, titled “Trade-off Time: How Four States Continue to Deliver” praised the Commonwealth’s “tradition of good governance.” In particular, the Pew Center notes “Virginia Performs has created a culture of evidence based decision making that allows Virginia’s leaders to systematically tackle the state’s budget crisis and increase agency productivity.” While acknowledging that declining revenues create difficult choices for all state budget makers, the report argues Virginia “will be better positioned to weather bad times” because of its budgeting and management practices.

Launched in January 2007, Virginia Performs is an interactive Web site that allows citizens to review measurable performance targets for state agencies and institutions and to monitor the Commonwealth’s progress on key areas across regions and in contrast to other states.

The Virginia Performs site focuses on seven key areas and outlines the state’s long-term goals for each: Economy, Education, Health and Family, Public Safety, Natural Resources, Government and Citizens, and Transportation. Within each area, selected societal indicators are used to help answer the question “How is Virginia doing?” Approximately 50 indicators are used, ranging from third grade reading scores to cancer incidence. Where available, data is used to compare Virginia to nearby states and national rates.

In 2008, Virginia again received the top score in the Government Performance Project's "Grading the States 2008" report, the nation's only comprehensive, independent analysis of how well each state performs in serving the public. In the first such rating in three years, Virginia achieved an overall grade of A- for performance, along with Utah and Washington. In 2008, Virginia also received its third consecutive top ranking from as the “Best State for Business.”