Virginia History is Feature of Virginia Forum at Longwood University

Contact: Larissa Smith Fergeson
Longwood University Associate Professor of History
(434) 395-2776

The 2009 Virginia Forum, a two day conference devoted to all aspects and time periods of Virginia history, will be held at Longwood University, Farmville, Virginia, on April 24-25, 2009.

This annual conference attracts not only professional historians, but those who love Virginia history, educators, and others. Participants learn from insightful panel discussions, and also from networking during breaks and over lunch. The location of this year's conference in historic Farmville in Prince Edward County will give participants an opportunity to explore local history too, some of which impacted the nation as well. From the Civil War to Civil Rights, the area is one stop shopping for history lovers. Farmville is also well known as a mecca for retail shopping with Green Front Furniture, and various local restaurants where visitors throng by the thousands annually.

The registration form for this exciting conference is available on the Virginia Forum Website at, along with other information about the 2009 Forum: the conference program; information about accommodations; driving directions; and information about historic, cultural, and recreational sites in the area. We hope that you will take the time to enjoy some of the local sites while you are here for the conference.

The deadline for registration is Friday, March 27. You must preregister for the conference and pay by check.

Hotel rooms have been reserved at a conference rate but will only be held until April 1, 2009.

Please email me if you have additional questions. We are looking forward to your visit.